House Of Ajebo Comedy is a Nigerian Youtube comedy channel that mostly used cartoon characters to demonstrate or tell a story. Among the main characters are; Tegwolo, Mama Tegwolo, Papa Tegwolo, and also Romeo and his parents.

Who is Tegwolo?

Popularly known as “Tegwolo Champion Of Warri” is a comic character used to play the role of Tegwolo in House Of Ajebo comedy videos on Youtube. Tegwolo is a son to Mama Tegwolo and Papa Tegwolo, he is very stubborn and also comes from an average African home. Just as his catton, Tegwolo has a big head and funny body features that make viewers laugh even before watching the videos.

Tegwolo Meaning

Tegwolo is a Delta Sate-Urhobo given name which means “a champion”.

Tegwolo In Real Life

Tegwolo voice in real life is been portray by Nigerian comedian and founder of House Of Ajebo Comedy, Emeka Erem Nehemiah.
