Tsuriki Show is a Russian Youtube Channel managed by two lovers Vova and Anya. They are YouTubers who started making waves in 2021 after hitting millions of views with their short comedy videos ranging from 1-45 seconds. They are very creative comedians. Tsuriki Show also has an Instagram account and is very active on Tiktok. They currently has over 2.5 million Youtube subscribers as of June 2021.
There real names are Vova and Anya, you can also call them VovAnya.
We don’t know the realationship between Vova and Anya, but we think they are lover or even married to each other.
We don’t have much information about their date of birth. Please refresh this page for future updates.
- From their Youtube channel description;
“Our names are Vova and Anya, in short – VovAnya. We are arranging a Tsuriki Show for you.”
- About their success on Youtube, this is what they has to say;
I already once said that our blogging path began back in 2017 with children’s YouTube. A lot of effort, nerves, finances were spent, but there was no reciprocity.
We decided to postpone this case and switched to Tik Tok. We worked, filmed a lot and all this was not at all for the sake of earning money or some kind of benefit, we just enjoyed the process, from the fact that the videos gained views, from the time spent together, from the fact that we have a common hobby.
After a while, having achieved certain results in TikTok, we decided to take another look at Youtube, I will say right away we did not expect anything and did not hope for anything. But this time, after 4 years, having a fairly large store of knowledge, we were more fortunate)) And now we are holding the result of our efforts in our hands, and this is incredible.
I already wrote, if you have a dream, go to it! Do not give up! Do not be afraid of any difficulties!
Thank you very much to everyone who supports us !!! For your congratulations !!! We heard so many warm words слов
We wish you that your dreams also come true))
Do you run social networks, if so, which ones?)
twiceofnice #youtube #dreams come true
Net Worth
Tsuriki Show net worth as of 2021 is estimated at $900, 000. Their net worth is calculated base on all google sold ads from their Youtube channel and money made from other social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok. They also make a lot of money from sponsored ads.
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