Scissors has been removed from the pelvic area of Sierra Leonean lady, Zainab Kamara, 7 years after Doctor’s negligence left her in that state.
Kamara who went for a Caesarian operation and lost the baby at Port Loko district was left with constant pains after a doctor that operated her forgot scissors inside her Stomach that later moved to her pelvic.
Sierraloaded learnt that She has been suffering with this pain for 7years and later an X-ray was done on her and the results shows Scissors is in a pelvic area according to sources doctors were scared to do the operation because they think it’s a risky one.
After 7 years the Scissors was removed by an Expert from another country at the Masanga Hospital in Tonkolili District.
According to WIMSAL President Femi Jarret Coker through a Facebook post she made, she is calling on the Government, Ministry of Health and Sanitation to please investigate the Doctor for such terrible mistake and also calling on people with similar issues to please speak up.
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