Mohamed Saïd Benrahma (Arabic: محمد سعيد بن رحمة; born 10 August 1995) is an Algerian professional footballer who plays as a left winger for Premier League club West Ham United and the Algeria national team.

Parents and family

Benrahma was born in Aïn Témouchent and grew up in Sidi Bel Abbès. He moved to Toulouse, France with his parents at the age of 11 and holds a French passport. Benrahma’s father died in January 2020 and he publicly dedicated each of his subsequent five goals to him.

Benrahma comes from a very large family of nine.

Saïd Benrahma has seven siblings (six sisters and his only brother).

Said Benrahma’s parents were wealthy enough to send their entire family to France, including Said, when he was only eleven years old.

The truth is, his household has their family roots from Sidi Bel Abbes — located in the in North-West part of the country.

Ever since we came to France, and ever since I became a professional, I’ve always lived with my Mum. When I signed for Nice, she came with me. 

She has this knack of finding the right words to get the best out of me. She always knows when I need space, and that’s the real strength of our relationship so that I can then give my best. 

She always helps me, in a lot of different things. Sometimes we don’t agree but I always end up doing what she said. She’s always right.

How proud do you think she is of you today? 

I hope and I think she is very proud of me. The reason I play football is for my Dad, my Mum, my siblings and my family. 

I also try and give them happiness, because they were by my side when times were tough. My parents supported me, especially my Mum, and they helped me and believed in me always. 

She always knew I was going to make it, even when I had doubts. She was always there, because that’s who my Mum is. 

You brought her with you to the training ground when you signed for West Ham…

It was the fruits of all our hard work. It was natural for me. It wasn’t a case of thinking whether or not I wanted her there – she just had to be there.

It was natural for her to be there because like I said, I just want to make her proud, and if she is happy then I am happy. I do this for her and the family.

And there have been some great scenes on social media of you greeting your mother after wins…

Those are moments that just came very naturally to me – it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose for the cameras! I just have this special bond with my mother and everything I do with her is natural. 

When I see her, I must give her a hug. Even when I’m at home, I’ll see her and give her a hug. She’s everything to me and she’s the most important person there is for me personally. 

Even when I was at Brentford or Nice or even Ajaccio, if I scored a goal, then I’d go see her. That’s me. My Mum is my pride and I want to do everything for her and make her happy. 

The West Ham fans gave your mother a great reception as well!

It’s great to see! It’s a sign of respect and I was very happy. The fans show their respect for my Mum and it’s a very pleasing thing to see as a player.

You’ve been in London for almost four years now – do you feel like a Londoner?

Yes. I’m starting to get used to it now, even though it was a little tough at the start, but now I feel like I am at home. 

I feel good. It’s a great city, even my Mum really likes it. I feel like she’s happy. She’ll go out shopping on her own and she doesn’t speak a word of English, but she loves it. 

She loves the London way of life. I thought she wouldn’t like it, but it turns out that she knows the city a lot better than I do!

What message would you send to your mother this Mother’s Day?

I just want you to be happy and proud. That’s the most important thing for me. The rest will come in time. I’m sending you a big kiss. I love you!


Said Benrahma is dating Mya Mills, the former girlfriend of rapper Digga D.

Mya Mills is a social media influencer and also a fashion model.

Saïd Benrahma is at the moment not yet married and has no wedding history.


Saïd Benrahma has no child of his own.
