Joe is a 2023 Indian Tamil-language romantic drama film written and directed by Hariharan Ram S. in his directorial debut and produced by Dr. D. Arulanandhu and Mathewo Arulanandhu under the banner of Vision Cinema House. The film stars Rio Raj, Malavika Manoj and Bhavya Trikha in the lead roles. The film was released theatrically on 24 November 2023.
- Rio Raj as Joe
- Malavika Manoj as Suchi
- Bhavya Trikha as Shruthi
- Charle
- M. J. Shriram
- Anbu Thasan
- Praveena
- Jayakumar
- RJ Ilango Kumaran
- Aegan
- VJ Rakesh
- Kevin felson
- Krishneshraja
The film had a theatrical release on 24 November 2023 across Tamil Nadu. A critic from Times of India noted that the film “a decent romance that could have cut deeper” and “for a film involving college life and youth, it is a very mindful film that gets its political messaging right”. A reviewer from Cinema Express wrote that “weak writing pulls down this well-executed film” and that “if only the writing was better planned, the film would have been more than just an ‘average Joe'”. A reviewer from South First wrote that “Hariharan Ram comes up with a satisfying romantic drama”.
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