Many Nigerians and people around the world are seriously searching for the meaning of Imole and why late singer, Mohbad chose to answer the name
Imole is a Yoruba word in Nigeria that means “Light or Brightness.” The name Mohbad on the other hand means “I am Bad.”
What is the meaning of Imole?
Imole means: light, shine, illuminate. ṣe imọlẹ make light.
According to
According to 2 people from Ghana and Nigeria, the name Imole is of African / Nigerian origin and means “Light of unending joy”.
According to Mohbad:
According to Mohbad who is now late, he said “I chose the name Imole because many people who are not use to me at first will think that I’m a bad person due my stage name Mohbad”
“Imole was a name I gave to my self when I attended a Church program and the pastor (man of God) keeps repeating the word Imole”, so I said why not Imole?”
When asked the meaning of Imole, he said; “Imole means light”.
Please note that the above quote is not Mohbad’s original sayings, as this quote(s) has been modified.
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