“Here” is a 2024 American drama film directed by the legendary Robert Zemeckis. The movie follows a generational story about families and the special place they inhabit, sharing in love, loss, laughter, and life.
The Plot
The story revolves around Richard, played by Tom Hanks, and Margaret, played by Robin Wright, as they navigate their lives and relationships across multiple timelines. The film explores themes of family, love, and identity, all set against the backdrop of a unique and captivating narrative.
The Cast
The film boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including:
- Tom Hanks as Richard
- Robin Wright as Margaret
- Paul Bettany as Al
- Kelly Reilly as Rose
- Ellis Grunsell as young Richard
The Crew
The film’s crew includes:
- Director: Robert Zemeckis
- Screenplay: Eric Roth and Robert Zemeckis
- Based on the graphic novel by: Richard McGuire
- Music by: Alan Silvestri
- Cinematography by: Don Burgess
Streaming and Download
“Here” is set to release on November 1, 2024, in the United States. Here 2024 will be available in all Cinema’s near you upon release.
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