President Muhammadu Buhari has said he made June 12 Democracy Day to honour the heroes that fought for the return to democracy and to demonstrate his commitment to creating an environment for democracy to thrive acceptably.

Buhari stated this today, Saturday, in his 2021 Democracy Day nationwide broadcast.

To further emphasise his commitment, the President said he joined the Army with a readiness to lay down his life for the country.

According to Buhari, “The day I joined the Nigerian Army I was prepared to lay down my life for Nigeria.

“As your President I remain ever committed to upholding and defending Nigeria’s corporate existence.

“In adhering to the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy notably section 14(2)(b), I shall do all within my power to ensure that the security and welfare of the people remain the primary purpose of government.”

On the Naming of June 12 as Democracy Day, Buhari said: “When this administration decided to change our Democracy Day from 29th May to June 12th in my first tenure, it was not only to honour the sacrifices of the men and women of our country who fought for the return to democracy but also to demonstrate our commitment to satisfy the aspirations of the people and creating an environment for democracy to be an accepted way of life.

“As your President, I remain committed to providing an enabling environment for a free, fair and credible electoral system under my tenure.

“However, you need to play your part by getting involved at any level you can supporting a democratic system that works for all and not for a section or a select few and demand accountability from your elected leaders.

“My commitment to bequeathing a sustainable democratic culture remains resolute, my pursuit of a fair society remains unshaken and my desire to see that Nigeria remains a country for each and every one of us has never been stronger.”
