Ema H. Horvath (born 28 January 1994) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Shell in the 2017 horror movie Like. Share. Follow, and for her performance as Auna Rue in the 2019 horror movie The Gallows Act II. Ema Horvath also starred in the 2021 American television series “The Lord Of The Rings”.

Early Life and Career

Ema Horvath was born in 1994 in USA. She is an actress known for movies like What Lies Below (2020), Don’t Look Deeper (2020), The Lord Of The Rings (2021) and The Two Hundred Fifth (2019).


As of 2021, Ema Horvath is not yet married and is currently single.

Net Worth

Ema Horvath’s net worth as of 2021 is estimated at around $250, 000 (net worth estimated in 2021).

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