Bakassi Boys of 1998 to 2002 were very bloody. They possessed the greatest odeshi ever seen openly in Nigeria. They killed a lot of people. They were known to repel bullets with juju. Those days you come to Onitsha or Aba and you see littered corpses of criminals. They use jazz to sense criminals.
They were also spontaneous. Example: A bank robbery might be going on, and before you know it, Bakassi boys would have probably sensed it and then block all the junctions of escape for the robbers. They do carry criminals in vehicle(s) and kill them openly in junctions. During the time of the Bakassi boys those days, you can leave your phone, money, laptop on the road, and still come back to pick it. I don’t know if they killed up to 20,000 people in those years… Their juju was something else. They were too barbaric. Public beheading of criminals. Bakassi boys killed many maf boys in aba. Maf was a criminal group that could rob in broad daylight. Bakassi boys brought crime down in the east those days. They killed the greatest criminal ever in the east. His name was Derico Nwamama, Derico killed about 100 people including 25 police officers. Bakassi finally killed him. One deadly Bakassi guy those days was called Ejima. He died those days… Bakassi boys conquered Prophet Eddy’s diabolism and killed him.
Bakassi of those days has been the strongest vigilante group that have ever emerged in the Nigeria.
In those days, if you think any group or guys are rugged enough or mad enough, just invite bakassi boys and their doubt may likely be cleared. Those days, some guys ran away from the East. Bakassi boys were very dreadful….
Those days, if you see large number of bike men coming and doing stunts, it is likely that bakassi boys are coming behind them in a bus or buses like commandos.
I998 to 2002 were the first group ever named Bakassi boys. After that group, no other group has ever emerged like that in Nigeria: before them and after them. Every other group may just be trying to imitate them. They were very tough.
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