Ajab Raat Ni Gajab Vaat is a 2024 Gujarati comedy drama, directed by Prem Gadhavi & Killol Parmar and written by Prem Gadhavi, Aditi Varma & Nikita Shah. It stars Bhavya Gandhi Aarohi Patel, Deep Vaidya, Radhika Barot & RJ Harsh. The film is produced by Dr. Jayesh Pavra. The film will be distributed by Rupam Entertainment Pvt Ltd.


Kartik, a young YouTuber, is known for conducting loyalty tests on females. His friend Nilay urges him to chalk out an elopement plan for his girlfriend. Things take a complicated turn when they reach the wrong address and a different girl runs away with them.


  • Bhavya Gandhi as Kartik
  • Aarohi Patel as Pranali
  • Deep Vaidya as Tanmay
  • Radhika Barot as Kinjal
  • RJ Harsh as Nilay


The film was shot at various locations in Ahmedabad Gujarat. In 22 days the shoot of the film gets completed.

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