“Absolution” is a thrilling 2024 film that follows an aging gangster’s quest to reconnect with his children and make amends for past mistakes. However, his efforts are hindered by the criminal underworld’s reluctance to release their grip on him.
Cast and Crew
The film boasts an impressive cast, including:
- Liam Neeson
- Ron Perlman
- Frankie Shaw
- Daniel Diemer
- Yolonda Ross
Directed by Hans Petter Moland and written by Tony Gayton, “Absolution” promises to be an action-packed thriller.
Release, Download and Streaming
“Absolution” is set to release on November 1, 2024, as a limited theatrical release.
Rating and Reviews
The film has a runtime of 1 hour 52 minutes and is rated R. While I couldn’t find comprehensive reviews, you can check out IMDb for user ratings and reviews.
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